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Failure is a equal to success. Follow your Success.

"Failure is a first step to success." The great man the great missile man said that don't lose your confidence and don't lose your patience you will get success definitely but it takes some time to success in your life. 

Don't bother about other's, bother yourself you are the man that the power to change your life and to get succeed, not only how to handle success and how to handle the  failure alsoDefeat the problem and succeed. 

If you have the more haters. The more energy you have. If you love your haters the hater loves you.

" Learning gives Creativity "
" Creativity leads to Thinking "
" Thinking provides Knowledge "
" Knowledge makes you Great

APJ Abdul Kalam said that the 4 true rules to success in your Life. 
1. Great Aim.
2. Continuously acquire knowledge 
3. I will do hard work 
4. I will Persevere and succeed 

                                                                            --- RJ 

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