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Dealing the Cyberc Crime

Dealing the Cyberc Crime
"Information is the wealth"

Cyber Crime is any Crime that takes place on internet. Cyber criminals are targeting the computer networks and devices and much more things.

Other cyber crimes include things like "revenge Porn", Cyber-stalking, harassment, bullying, and child sexual exploitation. And moving the terrorist activities and crimes into cyberspace 

How to protect yourself from the Cyber Crime
1:- Use a full-service from the internet security package.
We have more security package software are there in the online marketing like Norton, AVAST, AVG, Bite defender, Microsoft Security Essentials (MSE), and much more. Because this Antivirus software protect your computer and also the private information.
Image result for internet security package images  Image result for internet security package images  Image result for internet security package images


2:- Use Strong Passwords 
First thing we should take care about our passwords because Passwords are most important thing in the cyber world. Make them complex . That means using the combination of at least 10 letters, numbers, special symbols. And some of software that protect your passwords locked down like password management application.

Image result for Use Strong Passwords

3:- keep your software updated 
This is especially important with your operating system (OS) and internet security software. Cyber crimes frequently exploits or flaws, in your software and access the information and selling the information to the Cyber Crime people means Anonymous peoples. That's why Microsoft giving every month security pack update.

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4:- keep an eye on the kid's
Kids don't know hoe to access the internet means clicking the Anonymous links. Whenever we click the unknown links that link catch our information and send to the Anonymous peoples who accessing the system. That's why security package giving the parents control option.

Image result for parental control


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